Figure 2.
Clinical outcomes of patients receiving cryopreserved vs fresh stem cell products. OS (A) and PFS (B) were similar in patients receiving fresh products (blue line) and cryopreserved products (red line). Patients receiving cryopreserved products had a 1-day delay in neutrophil engraftment (defined as first of 2 consecutive days of ANC > 500 cells per µL) (median 15 days vs 14 days; P = .02) (C) but slower platelet engraftment (defined as first of 3 consecutive days of platelet count >20 000) (median 24 days vs 18 days; P = .044) (D) compared with patients receiving fresh products. (E) Incidence of grade II to IV aGVHD was higher in patients receiving cryopreserved product compared with fresh (100-day cumulative incidence: 17% vs 9%; P = .014).

Clinical outcomes of patients receiving cryopreserved vs fresh stem cell products. OS (A) and PFS (B) were similar in patients receiving fresh products (blue line) and cryopreserved products (red line). Patients receiving cryopreserved products had a 1-day delay in neutrophil engraftment (defined as first of 2 consecutive days of ANC > 500 cells per µL) (median 15 days vs 14 days; P = .02) (C) but slower platelet engraftment (defined as first of 3 consecutive days of platelet count >20 000) (median 24 days vs 18 days; P = .044) (D) compared with patients receiving fresh products. (E) Incidence of grade II to IV aGVHD was higher in patients receiving cryopreserved product compared with fresh (100-day cumulative incidence: 17% vs 9%; P = .014).

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