Figure 4.
Effects of posttreatment anti-mCAR19 antibodies on tisagenlecleucel persistence in pediatric and young adult patients with r/r B-ALL. Solid red circles represent patients who were positive for posttreatment anti-mCAR19 antibodies. Solid blue triangles represent patients who were negative for posttreatment anti-mCAR19 antibodies. Data are presented as the arithmetic mean ± standard deviation.

Effects of posttreatment anti-mCAR19 antibodies on tisagenlecleucel persistence in pediatric and young adult patients with r/r B-ALL. Solid red circles represent patients who were positive for posttreatment anti-mCAR19 antibodies. Solid blue triangles represent patients who were negative for posttreatment anti-mCAR19 antibodies. Data are presented as the arithmetic mean ± standard deviation.

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