Figure 3.
Effects of anti-mCAR19 antibodies on duration of response in pediatric and young adult patients with B-ALL. Duration of response among patients who were positive (blue bars) and negative (orange bars) for posttreatment anti-mCAR19 antibodies that increased above baseline levels. Censoring reasons are indicated by the symbols in the legend. Patients in the 90th percentile for anti-mCAR antibody MFI are shown (green circles). HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

Effects of anti-mCAR19 antibodies on duration of response in pediatric and young adult patients with B-ALL. Duration of response among patients who were positive (blue bars) and negative (orange bars) for posttreatment anti-mCAR19 antibodies that increased above baseline levels. Censoring reasons are indicated by the symbols in the legend. Patients in the 90th percentile for anti-mCAR antibody MFI are shown (green circles). HSCT, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

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