Figure 4.
Hypothesis-driven model depicting the molecular pathogenesis of t(14;18)-positive and t(14;18)-negative FL, according to current and previous findings.3,18,33,34 *Gains of newly acquired N-glycosylation sites (NANGS) in CDR3 were specifically prominent in t(14;18)-positive treatment-naive FL stage I/II. DC, dendritic cell; GE, gene expression.

Hypothesis-driven model depicting the molecular pathogenesis of t(14;18)-positive and t(14;18)-negative FL, according to current and previous findings.3,18,33,34  *Gains of newly acquired N-glycosylation sites (NANGS) in CDR3 were specifically prominent in t(14;18)-positive treatment-naive FL stage I/II. DC, dendritic cell; GE, gene expression.

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