Figure 4.
Rpl5+/− mice have a severe block in erythroid differentiation at E12.5 that improves by E14.5. (A) Timed WT x Rpl5+/− matings were set up to collect E12.5 and E14.5 embryos. E12.5 Rpl5+/− embryos were generally growth retarded and pale. (B) Mutant E12.5 embryos displayed a marked reduction in FL cellularity, with fewer FL Ter119+ cells (C). (D) E14.5 mutant embryos had improved growth, pallor, and FL cellularity (E) and increased Ter119+ cells (F). (G) Analysis of red cell differentiation by CD71 and Ter119 showed a significant delay in the transition from population 2 to 3 in the FL of Rpl5+/− mice at E12.5 (quantified in panel H). A similar analysis conducted on E14.5 FL cells showed an improvement in the E12.5 differentiation block (I), with no difference in population 3 at this stage (J). E12.5 WT n = 9, Rpl5+/− n = 9 (3 separate litters); E14.5 WT n = 9, Rpl5+/− n = 12 (4 separate litters). **P < .01; ****P < .0001, WT vs Rpl5+/− mice.

Rpl5+/− mice have a severe block in erythroid differentiation at E12.5 that improves by E14.5. (A) Timed WT x Rpl5+/− matings were set up to collect E12.5 and E14.5 embryos. E12.5 Rpl5+/− embryos were generally growth retarded and pale. (B) Mutant E12.5 embryos displayed a marked reduction in FL cellularity, with fewer FL Ter119+ cells (C). (D) E14.5 mutant embryos had improved growth, pallor, and FL cellularity (E) and increased Ter119+ cells (F). (G) Analysis of red cell differentiation by CD71 and Ter119 showed a significant delay in the transition from population 2 to 3 in the FL of Rpl5+/− mice at E12.5 (quantified in panel H). A similar analysis conducted on E14.5 FL cells showed an improvement in the E12.5 differentiation block (I), with no difference in population 3 at this stage (J). E12.5 WT n = 9, Rpl5+/− n = 9 (3 separate litters); E14.5 WT n = 9, Rpl5+/− n = 12 (4 separate litters). **P < .01; ****P < .0001, WT vs Rpl5+/ mice.

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