Figure 1.
Screening of gene loci exhibiting concurrent RUNX1 RNA and DNA interactions in THP-1 cells. (A-B) Pie charts showing proportions of RUNX1 RIP-seq peaks and RUNX1 ChIP-seq peaks in coding and noncoding gene families. ChIP-seq data were from published source53 under the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) accession number GSE79899; snoRNA, small nucleolar RNAs; snRNA, small nuclear RNA; miRNA, microRNA; scaRNA, small cajal body-specific RNA. (C) Venn diagram intersecting RUNX1 RIP-seq and RUNX1 ChIP-seq gene lists and the myeloid gene list. (D) Gene track view of the PU.1 locus including the upstream region (highlighted in blue). Shown are RIP-seq tracks (Input, IgG, and RUNX1) and RUNX1 ChIP-seq tracks (GSM2108052). Data were integrated in the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) genome browser. (E) RUNX1 RIP-qPCR confirmation. Left panel: location of 3 PCR amplicons (#1, #2, #3). Right panel: enrichment of RNAs captured by anti-RUNX1 antibody and IgG control at 3 amplicons relative to input. Error bars indicate SD (n = 3). **P < .01; ****P < .0001. See also supplemental Figure 1 and supplemental Table 3.

Screening of gene loci exhibiting concurrent RUNX1 RNA and DNA interactions in THP-1 cells. (A-B) Pie charts showing proportions of RUNX1 RIP-seq peaks and RUNX1 ChIP-seq peaks in coding and noncoding gene families. ChIP-seq data were from published source53 under the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) accession number GSE79899; snoRNA, small nucleolar RNAs; snRNA, small nuclear RNA; miRNA, microRNA; scaRNA, small cajal body-specific RNA. (C) Venn diagram intersecting RUNX1 RIP-seq and RUNX1 ChIP-seq gene lists and the myeloid gene list. (D) Gene track view of the PU.1 locus including the upstream region (highlighted in blue). Shown are RIP-seq tracks (Input, IgG, and RUNX1) and RUNX1 ChIP-seq tracks (GSM2108052). Data were integrated in the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) genome browser. (E) RUNX1 RIP-qPCR confirmation. Left panel: location of 3 PCR amplicons (#1, #2, #3). Right panel: enrichment of RNAs captured by anti-RUNX1 antibody and IgG control at 3 amplicons relative to input. Error bars indicate SD (n = 3). **P < .01; ****P < .0001. See also supplemental Figure 1 and supplemental Table 3.

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