Figure 2.
Overview on WGS and expression data for immunotherapy targets. (A) Gains, single-nucleotide variants (SNV), and deletions of 21 immunotherapy targets in 50 NDMM and 50 RRMM patients. (B) Deletions of target genes . (C) Expression of immunotherapy target genes in 44 NDMM and 28 RRMM patients. Box-and-whisker plot shows the minimum, the maximum, the sample median, and the interquartile range between the lower and upper quartiles. Depicted are gains of at least 3 patients and losses, SNVs, as well as copy number variation (CNV) (gains) accompanied by SNVs of at least 2 patients. CPM, counts per million.

Overview on WGS and expression data for immunotherapy targets. (A) Gains, single-nucleotide variants (SNV), and deletions of 21 immunotherapy targets in 50 NDMM and 50 RRMM patients. (B) Deletions of target genes . (C) Expression of immunotherapy target genes in 44 NDMM and 28 RRMM patients. Box-and-whisker plot shows the minimum, the maximum, the sample median, and the interquartile range between the lower and upper quartiles. Depicted are gains of at least 3 patients and losses, SNVs, as well as copy number variation (CNV) (gains) accompanied by SNVs of at least 2 patients. CPM, counts per million.

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