Figure 1.
High injury severity scores correlate with high VWF propeptide, high VWF antigen levels, and low ADAMTS13 antigen levels. Line represents a linear regression line. Dotted lines represent the 95% confidence interval. (A) VWF propeptide levels. (B) VWF antigen. (C) ADAMTS13 antigen. (D) ADAMTS13 activity. All measures are calculated to percentage of normal human plasma levels.

High injury severity scores correlate with high VWF propeptide, high VWF antigen levels, and low ADAMTS13 antigen levels. Line represents a linear regression line. Dotted lines represent the 95% confidence interval. (A) VWF propeptide levels. (B) VWF antigen. (C) ADAMTS13 antigen. (D) ADAMTS13 activity. All measures are calculated to percentage of normal human plasma levels.

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