Figure 3.
Distinct expression profile in BCL11B-a AL. (A) Scatter plot showing variance distribution of BCL11B-a AL, AML, ETP-ALL, and T-ALL cases emphasized by principal component analysis 1 (PC1). (B) Volcano plot showing the gene expression in BCL11B-a AL cases compared with AML, ETP-ALL, and T-ALL. Log2FC is plotted against the −Log10-adjusted P value. Black indicates genes with a significant FDR (≤0.05). Red and blue represent upregulated and downregulated differentially expressed genes, respectively (FDR ≤ 0.05, |Log2 FC| ≥2). Gray, nonsignificantly expressed genes. (C) Gene set enrichment analysis of BCL11B target genes in BCL11B-a AL cases vs other leukemic groups (AML, ETP-ALL, and T-ALL). (D) Volcano plot showing the distribution of 350 BCL11B targets in BCL11B-a AL cases compared with other leukemias. Log2FC is plotted against the −Log10-adjusted P value. Red and blue represent significant (FDR ≤0.05) upregulated and downregulated targets, respectively; NES, normalized enrichment score; FC, fold change.

Distinct expression profile in BCL11B-a AL. (A) Scatter plot showing variance distribution of BCL11B-a AL, AML, ETP-ALL, and T-ALL cases emphasized by principal component analysis 1 (PC1). (B) Volcano plot showing the gene expression in BCL11B-a AL cases compared with AML, ETP-ALL, and T-ALL. Log2FC is plotted against the −Log10-adjusted P value. Black indicates genes with a significant FDR (≤0.05). Red and blue represent upregulated and downregulated differentially expressed genes, respectively (FDR ≤ 0.05, |Log2 FC| ≥2). Gray, nonsignificantly expressed genes. (C) Gene set enrichment analysis of BCL11B target genes in BCL11B-a AL cases vs other leukemic groups (AML, ETP-ALL, and T-ALL). (D) Volcano plot showing the distribution of 350 BCL11B targets in BCL11B-a AL cases compared with other leukemias. Log2FC is plotted against the −Log10-adjusted P value. Red and blue represent significant (FDR ≤0.05) upregulated and downregulated targets, respectively; NES, normalized enrichment score; FC, fold change.

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