Figure 2.
14q32 rearrangements result in the activation of BCL11B and SPI1/PU.1. (A) Expression of BCL11B in 15 BCL11B-a AL cases (1-4, 6-13, 17-18, and 20; Table 1) compared with in-house series of AML (n = 19), ETP-ALL (n = 8), and T-ALL (n = 15) cases. (B) One of 3 independent experiments showing longitudinal expression of BCL11B in 6 paired diagnosis-remission BCL11B-a AL cases: case 4 (black), case 6 (blue), case 8 (red), case 9 (green), case 17 (light blue), and case 18 (violet). Patient case numbers refer to Table 1. (C) Expression of SPI1/PU.1 in 15 BCL11B-a cases (1-4, 6-13, 17-18, 20; Table 1) compared with in-house series of AML (n = 19), ETP-ALL (n = 7), and T-ALL (n = 15) cases. Values are expressed as means ± standard error of the mean. Cp, crossing point; ns, not significant.

14q32 rearrangements result in the activation of BCL11B and SPI1/PU.1. (A) Expression of BCL11B in 15 BCL11B-a AL cases (1-4, 6-13, 17-18, and 20; Table 1) compared with in-house series of AML (n = 19), ETP-ALL (n = 8), and T-ALL (n = 15) cases. (B) One of 3 independent experiments showing longitudinal expression of BCL11B in 6 paired diagnosis-remission BCL11B-a AL cases: case 4 (black), case 6 (blue), case 8 (red), case 9 (green), case 17 (light blue), and case 18 (violet). Patient case numbers refer to Table 1. (C) Expression of SPI1/PU.1 in 15 BCL11B-a cases (1-4, 6-13, 17-18, 20; Table 1) compared with in-house series of AML (n = 19), ETP-ALL (n = 7), and T-ALL (n = 15) cases. Values are expressed as means ± standard error of the mean. Cp, crossing point; ns, not significant.

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