LPS plus IFN-γ and a septic environment induce PD-L1 expression in human neutrophils. PD-L1 binds to p85, the PI3K regulatory subunit, and PI3K activates AKT kinase to induce prosurvival signals in neutrophils making them live longer. mRNA, messenger RNA; p (p110 and p85), protein; P (Akt), phosphorylation.

LPS plus IFN-γ and a septic environment induce PD-L1 expression in human neutrophils. PD-L1 binds to p85, the PI3K regulatory subunit, and PI3K activates AKT kinase to induce prosurvival signals in neutrophils making them live longer. mRNA, messenger RNA; p (p110 and p85), protein; P (Akt), phosphorylation.

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