Figure 5.
Examples of the predictive app in practice. Values for a given patient are entered into the appropriate spaces, and the calculate button is pressed. A blue line indicates the probability of the patient having MDS. (A) Values are entered for a patient with pMDS. Note the position of the blue line in the red region. (B) Values for a patient who probably does not have MDS (pnMDS). (C) Patient with an indeterminate diagnosis. In this figure, a case prevalence of 20% is assumed (as opposed to Figure 1 where 50% was assumed).

Examples of the predictive app in practice. Values for a given patient are entered into the appropriate spaces, and the calculate button is pressed. A blue line indicates the probability of the patient having MDS. (A) Values are entered for a patient with pMDS. Note the position of the blue line in the red region. (B) Values for a patient who probably does not have MDS (pnMDS). (C) Patient with an indeterminate diagnosis. In this figure, a case prevalence of 20% is assumed (as opposed to Figure 1 where 50% was assumed).

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