Figure 6.
Genome-wide distribution of the mutational patterns in nonimmunoglobulin genes from TCL1 and DT-AID models compared with a progressive CLL cohort. Mutations in nonimmunoglobulin genes of mice models. (A) Circos plots showing the somatic mutation landscape focused on mutations that might have resulted from the action of AID (c-AID; nc-AID and NCG mutations). Links from one to the other side indicate punctual mutations occurring in the same gene of the both genomes compared in the circus. The link width is proportional to the number of mutations found in a particular gene. Red ticks indicate c-AID mutations; orange ticks, nc-AID mutations; and gray ticks, NCG mutations. Circos axes represent the number of mutations in different colors for each mutational signature. (B) Histogram showing the number of total nonimmunoglobulin genes that are mutated in the TCL1 model compared with progressive (Prog.) CLLs and in the DT-AID model compared with progressive CLL cohort simultaneously. (C) Circos plots showing mutations with potential functional impact on nonimmunoglobulin genes that remain mutated in the TCL1 strain and DT-AID model compared with the progressive CLL cohort, respectively. Functional annotation in human samples was performed using the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor toolkit (CITE: Tumor gene drivers and genes involved in the Wnt pathway mutated in DT-AID and progressive CLL cases are underlined.

Genome-wide distribution of the mutational patterns in nonimmunoglobulin genes from TCL1 and DT-AID models compared with a progressive CLL cohort. Mutations in nonimmunoglobulin genes of mice models. (A) Circos plots showing the somatic mutation landscape focused on mutations that might have resulted from the action of AID (c-AID; nc-AID and NCG mutations). Links from one to the other side indicate punctual mutations occurring in the same gene of the both genomes compared in the circus. The link width is proportional to the number of mutations found in a particular gene. Red ticks indicate c-AID mutations; orange ticks, nc-AID mutations; and gray ticks, NCG mutations. Circos axes represent the number of mutations in different colors for each mutational signature. (B) Histogram showing the number of total nonimmunoglobulin genes that are mutated in the TCL1 model compared with progressive (Prog.) CLLs and in the DT-AID model compared with progressive CLL cohort simultaneously. (C) Circos plots showing mutations with potential functional impact on nonimmunoglobulin genes that remain mutated in the TCL1 strain and DT-AID model compared with the progressive CLL cohort, respectively. Functional annotation in human samples was performed using the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor toolkit (CITE: Tumor gene drivers and genes involved in the Wnt pathway mutated in DT-AID and progressive CLL cases are underlined.

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