Figure 6.
Characterization of BM FL B-cell phenotype. (A) Unsupervised Pearson correlation clustering on all expressed genes in purified FL B cells from LNs (n = 10) and BM (n = 5), including 3 paired BM/LN samples (FL1, FL2, and FL5). (B) List of the top 10 GO terms associated with the 2 modules identified as correlated with the tissue origin of FL B cells by WGCNA. (C) Heatmap of the differentially expressed genes between BM FL B cells and LN FL B cells (P < .01). (D) GSEA of the MSigDB hallmark pathways comparing BM FL B cells and LN FL B cells. (E) qPCR validation of the downregulation of MKI67 and CKD1 in BM FL B cells (n = 7) compared with LN FL B cells (n = 10). Results are represented in arbitrary units obtained by assigning the value of 1 to a pool of PBMCs. *P < .05; **P < .01

Characterization of BM FL B-cell phenotype. (A) Unsupervised Pearson correlation clustering on all expressed genes in purified FL B cells from LNs (n = 10) and BM (n = 5), including 3 paired BM/LN samples (FL1, FL2, and FL5). (B) List of the top 10 GO terms associated with the 2 modules identified as correlated with the tissue origin of FL B cells by WGCNA. (C) Heatmap of the differentially expressed genes between BM FL B cells and LN FL B cells (P < .01). (D) GSEA of the MSigDB hallmark pathways comparing BM FL B cells and LN FL B cells. (E) qPCR validation of the downregulation of MKI67 and CKD1 in BM FL B cells (n = 7) compared with LN FL B cells (n = 10). Results are represented in arbitrary units obtained by assigning the value of 1 to a pool of PBMCs. *P < .05; **P < .01

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