Figure 2.
Comparison of the GEP of BM-MSCs primed by FL-derived EVs or TNF/LT. (A) Venn diagram representing the number of genes upregulated and downregulated in HD BM-MSCs (n = 5) by FL-derived EVs from 3 different FL B-cell lines vs TNF/LT, as evaluated by RNA-seq. (B) Unsupervised PCA of Affymetrix GEP of FL-derived BM-MSCs (FL_BM-MSC) (n = 8) and FL-derived LN-LSCs (FL_LN-LSC) (n = 8). (C) GSEA enrichment scores for the TNF/LT signature (1312 upregulated genes) and EV signature (1218 upregulated genes) between FL_BM-MSCs and FL_LN-LSCs. (D-E) Study of the EV signature using GO term enrichment analysis (D) and GSEA on REACTOME pathways (E). (F) Comparison of the EV-primed BM-MSCs and the TNF/LT-primed BM-MSCs with the murine BM mesenchymal cells recently described by single-cell RNA-seq.25,26 The assignment of the mouse BM stroma cell clusters restricted to the mesenchymal compartments as described in these 2 studies is indicated on the right. FDR, false discovery rate; t-sne, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding.

Comparison of the GEP of BM-MSCs primed by FL-derived EVs or TNF/LT. (A) Venn diagram representing the number of genes upregulated and downregulated in HD BM-MSCs (n = 5) by FL-derived EVs from 3 different FL B-cell lines vs TNF/LT, as evaluated by RNA-seq. (B) Unsupervised PCA of Affymetrix GEP of FL-derived BM-MSCs (FL_BM-MSC) (n = 8) and FL-derived LN-LSCs (FL_LN-LSC) (n = 8). (C) GSEA enrichment scores for the TNF/LT signature (1312 upregulated genes) and EV signature (1218 upregulated genes) between FL_BM-MSCs and FL_LN-LSCs. (D-E) Study of the EV signature using GO term enrichment analysis (D) and GSEA on REACTOME pathways (E). (F) Comparison of the EV-primed BM-MSCs and the TNF/LT-primed BM-MSCs with the murine BM mesenchymal cells recently described by single-cell RNA-seq.25,26  The assignment of the mouse BM stroma cell clusters restricted to the mesenchymal compartments as described in these 2 studies is indicated on the right. FDR, false discovery rate; t-sne, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding.

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