Figure 1.
Somatic mutations identified by whole-exome sequencing. (A) Comparison of mutational load between responders (n = 18) and nonresponders (n = 10). (B) Comparison of mutational load between the first time point sample (initial, n = 28) and the lowest value for each patient among all their later time points (n = 21). Data are shown as median with interquartile range. P = not significant (Wilcoxon test) (A-B). (C) Overall genomic landscape of somatic single nucleotide variants at the time of first sampling. Top: synonymous (syn) and nonsynonymous (non syn) mutation rates are expressed as the number of mutations per Mb, with each column corresponding to the individual patient shown at the bottom. The heatmap in the middle represents significantly mutated genes as identified by MutSig2CV, with each gene listed on the right with its q value and the percentage of patients with at least 1 mutation in that gene. The heatmap shows individual patient mutations color-coded by type per the color key in the upper right corner. The panel at the bottom of the heatmap shows the distribution of individual base substitution types for each sample. transver, transversion.

Somatic mutations identified by whole-exome sequencing. (A) Comparison of mutational load between responders (n = 18) and nonresponders (n = 10). (B) Comparison of mutational load between the first time point sample (initial, n = 28) and the lowest value for each patient among all their later time points (n = 21). Data are shown as median with interquartile range. P = not significant (Wilcoxon test) (A-B). (C) Overall genomic landscape of somatic single nucleotide variants at the time of first sampling. Top: synonymous (syn) and nonsynonymous (non syn) mutation rates are expressed as the number of mutations per Mb, with each column corresponding to the individual patient shown at the bottom. The heatmap in the middle represents significantly mutated genes as identified by MutSig2CV, with each gene listed on the right with its q value and the percentage of patients with at least 1 mutation in that gene. The heatmap shows individual patient mutations color-coded by type per the color key in the upper right corner. The panel at the bottom of the heatmap shows the distribution of individual base substitution types for each sample. transver, transversion.

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