Figure. Workflow and processing time of rapid whole genome sequencing test.
Workflow and approximate processing time for each step of the rapid whole-genome sequencing method used for samples obtained from the study patients. QC, quality control. From N Engl J Med, Duncavage EJ, Schroeder M, O'Laughlin M, et al, Genome Sequencing as an Alternative to Cytogenetic Analysis in Myeloid Cancers, vol. 384, pp 924-935, Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.

Workflow and approximate processing time for each step of the rapid whole-genome sequencing method used for samples obtained from the study patients. QC, quality control. From N Engl J Med, Duncavage EJ, Schroeder M, O'Laughlin M, et al, Genome Sequencing as an Alternative to Cytogenetic Analysis in Myeloid Cancers, vol. 384, pp 924-935, Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.

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