Figure 3.
ROR1 expression on primary RS samples. ROR1 expression was analyzed by IHC staining in primary samples of BM or lymph node biopsies from patients with RS using an anti-ROR1 antibody (mouse clone OTI3D11). Slides were scanned using an Aperio AT Turbo system to produce whole slide images. Slides were developed with DAB (3,3'‑diaminobenzidine) and counter-stained with hematoxylin and eosin. (A-C) A .jpeg image of each stain is shown. Original magnification ×20. An H score (range of 0-300) was calculated based on the summation of the product of the percentage of cells stained at each intensity using the following equation: (3 × % cells staining at 3+) + (2 × % cells staining at 2+) + (1 × % cells staining at 1+) to estimate ROR1 expression. ROR1 was heterogeneously expressed, ranging from highly positive to completely negative cases. Primary samples with an intermediate expression of ROR1 (A); with a high expression of ROR1 (B); and with no ROR1 expression (C).

ROR1 expression on primary RS samples. ROR1 expression was analyzed by IHC staining in primary samples of BM or lymph node biopsies from patients with RS using an anti-ROR1 antibody (mouse clone OTI3D11). Slides were scanned using an Aperio AT Turbo system to produce whole slide images. Slides were developed with DAB (3,3'‑diaminobenzidine) and counter-stained with hematoxylin and eosin. (A-C) A .jpeg image of each stain is shown. Original magnification ×20. An H score (range of 0-300) was calculated based on the summation of the product of the percentage of cells stained at each intensity using the following equation: (3 × % cells staining at 3+) + (2 × % cells staining at 2+) + (1 × % cells staining at 1+) to estimate ROR1 expression. ROR1 was heterogeneously expressed, ranging from highly positive to completely negative cases. Primary samples with an intermediate expression of ROR1 (A); with a high expression of ROR1 (B); and with no ROR1 expression (C).

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