Figure 4.
Site-to-site heterogeneity in tumor cell gene expression. (A) Each patient`s tumor cells were subset from the main data set and reclustered as shown here for FL2, FL8, FL1, and FL10, with subgraphs colored by tumor subcluster (left) or by tumor site (right). (B) Jitter plot showing Renkonen SIs of tumor subpopulations for all 10 patients (FL1-FL10). (C) Heatmaps of the top differentially expressed genes (rows) between cells from each tumor subcluster (columns) for patients with the lowest and highest SI in panel B; the Wilcoxon test with Bonferroni correction was used. Genes and pathways upregulated in subclusters mainly found in site A are highlighted in orange, and those at site B in purple. Bars at the top indicate tumor subclusters and tumor site. (D) Pearson correlation between the degree of dissimilarity, based on SI, of tumor cells and BCR phylogeny between sites for each patient (FL1-FL10). Dots are colored by patient identity as in panel A.

Site-to-site heterogeneity in tumor cell gene expression. (A) Each patient`s tumor cells were subset from the main data set and reclustered as shown here for FL2, FL8, FL1, and FL10, with subgraphs colored by tumor subcluster (left) or by tumor site (right). (B) Jitter plot showing Renkonen SIs of tumor subpopulations for all 10 patients (FL1-FL10). (C) Heatmaps of the top differentially expressed genes (rows) between cells from each tumor subcluster (columns) for patients with the lowest and highest SI in panel B; the Wilcoxon test with Bonferroni correction was used. Genes and pathways upregulated in subclusters mainly found in site A are highlighted in orange, and those at site B in purple. Bars at the top indicate tumor subclusters and tumor site. (D) Pearson correlation between the degree of dissimilarity, based on SI, of tumor cells and BCR phylogeny between sites for each patient (FL1-FL10). Dots are colored by patient identity as in panel A.

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