Figure 1.
Tumor IFN signaling and macrophage markers associate with a lack of durable response after axi-cel. Baseline tumor biopsy specimens were collected within 1 month before axi-cel infusion. Multiplex immunofluorescence on baseline tumor biopsy specimens (n = 26) using a panel consisting of tumor markers CD19 and CD20, MHC I and II, CD3, and PD-L1 (supplemental Figure 1). (A-B) The percentage of tumor cells (CD19+ and/or CD20+) that are positive for PD-L1 (A) and MHC II (B) are shown, comparing patients with NDR vs those with a DR to axi-cel. (C) Differential gene expression using the NanoString IO360 panel (770 genes) comparing patients with NDR (n = 18) vs those with a DR (n = 17). Shown is a heatmap including rows indicating known IFN target genes on the panel as well as macrophage (Mϕ) markers and CD19. Each column represents an individual patient sample. The heatmap indicates z scores for each gene. RNA-sequencing was performed on baseline biopsy specimens in patients who went on to have a DR (n = 10) or NDR (n = 8). (D-E) Gene set enrichment analysis showing the enrichment of the tumor IFN signature ISG.RS in patients with NDR (D) and the enrichment of the T-cell IFN signature IFNG.GS in patients with DR (E). (F) Macrophage score by NanoString nSolver advanced analysis, compared between patients with NDR and DR. P values according to nonparametric (Mann-Whitney) t tests.

Tumor IFN signaling and macrophage markers associate with a lack of durable response after axi-cel. Baseline tumor biopsy specimens were collected within 1 month before axi-cel infusion. Multiplex immunofluorescence on baseline tumor biopsy specimens (n = 26) using a panel consisting of tumor markers CD19 and CD20, MHC I and II, CD3, and PD-L1 (supplemental Figure 1). (A-B) The percentage of tumor cells (CD19+ and/or CD20+) that are positive for PD-L1 (A) and MHC II (B) are shown, comparing patients with NDR vs those with a DR to axi-cel. (C) Differential gene expression using the NanoString IO360 panel (770 genes) comparing patients with NDR (n = 18) vs those with a DR (n = 17). Shown is a heatmap including rows indicating known IFN target genes on the panel as well as macrophage (Mϕ) markers and CD19. Each column represents an individual patient sample. The heatmap indicates z scores for each gene. RNA-sequencing was performed on baseline biopsy specimens in patients who went on to have a DR (n = 10) or NDR (n = 8). (D-E) Gene set enrichment analysis showing the enrichment of the tumor IFN signature ISG.RS in patients with NDR (D) and the enrichment of the T-cell IFN signature IFNG.GS in patients with DR (E). (F) Macrophage score by NanoString nSolver advanced analysis, compared between patients with NDR and DR. P values according to nonparametric (Mann-Whitney) t tests.

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