Figure 7.
Effect of drugs on megakaryopoiesis in RUNX-1in adult CD34+ HSPCs. Experiments are as described in Figure 6, but with added J-IN8, RS, GS, and DAPT. Mean ±1 SEM (n = 4 experiments per study arm; P values by 2-way analysis of variance [ANOVA]). (A) Drug effects correcting the Mk yield per HSPC of NT vs RUNX1 shRNA lentiviral-transduced CD34+ HSPCs after exposure to J-IN8 (0.1 μM), RS (0.1 μM), GS (0.1 μM), or DAPT (10 μM), added on days 5 to 14. (B-D) Effect of RS on colony-forming assays performed using sorted NT- and RUNX1 shRNA-expressing CD41− and CD41+ HPSCs. Sorted cells were seeded in MegaCult medium for Mk colonies (B) or MethoCult medium for erythroid (C) and GM colonies (D).

Effect of drugs on megakaryopoiesis in RUNX-1in adult CD34+ HSPCs. Experiments are as described in Figure 6, but with added J-IN8, RS, GS, and DAPT. Mean ±1 SEM (n = 4 experiments per study arm; P values by 2-way analysis of variance [ANOVA]). (A) Drug effects correcting the Mk yield per HSPC of NT vs RUNX1 shRNA lentiviral-transduced CD34+ HSPCs after exposure to J-IN8 (0.1 μM), RS (0.1 μM), GS (0.1 μM), or DAPT (10 μM), added on days 5 to 14. (B-D) Effect of RS on colony-forming assays performed using sorted NT- and RUNX1 shRNA-expressing CD41 and CD41+ HPSCs. Sorted cells were seeded in MegaCult medium for Mk colonies (B) or MethoCult medium for erythroid (C) and GM colonies (D).

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