Figure 6.
scRNA-SEQ and local and global DE genes analysis in adult CD34-derived RUNX-1in CD41+ HSPCs. (A) Identification and visualization of transcriptional heterogeneity within sorted NT and L1 RUNX-1in CD41+ HSPCs by dimensionality reduction with UMAP. Seven clusters were identified in both NT (n = 7855 cells) and RUNX-1in CD41+ HSPCs (n = 6429 cells) by grouping of cells based on DE. (B) Gene ontology analyses using lists of genes from select clusters with the highest detected number of DE genes, to show functional enrichment in NT CD41+ HSPC clusters. (C-D) Volcano plots show significantly changed genes (C) among all DE genes or focus only on DE of 133 Mk/platelet-associated genes (D), when comparing RUNX-1in to NT HSPCs across all clusters. Filled red circles denote significantly changed genes; unfilled red circles indicate DE genes that are not Mk/platelet associated.

scRNA-SEQ and local and global DE genes analysis in adult CD34-derived RUNX-1in CD41+ HSPCs. (A) Identification and visualization of transcriptional heterogeneity within sorted NT and L1 RUNX-1in CD41+ HSPCs by dimensionality reduction with UMAP. Seven clusters were identified in both NT (n = 7855 cells) and RUNX-1in CD41+ HSPCs (n = 6429 cells) by grouping of cells based on DE. (B) Gene ontology analyses using lists of genes from select clusters with the highest detected number of DE genes, to show functional enrichment in NT CD41+ HSPC clusters. (C-D) Volcano plots show significantly changed genes (C) among all DE genes or focus only on DE of 133 Mk/platelet-associated genes (D), when comparing RUNX-1in to NT HSPCs across all clusters. Filled red circles denote significantly changed genes; unfilled red circles indicate DE genes that are not Mk/platelet associated.

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