Figure 2.
Tridimensional scatterplot of SF3B1-mutated and unmutated MDS with RS according to bone marrow dysplastic features. Red dots identify MDS associated with SF3B1 mutation, whereas blue dots identify MDS unmutated for SF3B1. The degree of dysmyelopoiesis and dysmegakaryopoiesis is measured as percentage of lineage dysplastic cells.14

Tridimensional scatterplot of SF3B1-mutated and unmutated MDS with RS according to bone marrow dysplastic features. Red dots identify MDS associated with SF3B1 mutation, whereas blue dots identify MDS unmutated for SF3B1. The degree of dysmyelopoiesis and dysmegakaryopoiesis is measured as percentage of lineage dysplastic cells.14 

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