Figure 1.
Each column represents one patient (patient 1 through 31). Detected mutation in respective gene is shown in dark blue (FL) and light blue (R/R) colors; x2 = patient had both mutations (eg, IDH1 and IDH2, or NRAS with KRAS). Last column shows overall frequency of mutated gene in the entire cohort. Bottom rows show karyotype (only depicted diploid vs complex) and response in the FL cohort (light green = complete remission regardless of counts recovery; dark green = partial remission). CG, cytogenetics; Mol, molecular; Resp, response.

Each column represents one patient (patient 1 through 31). Detected mutation in respective gene is shown in dark blue (FL) and light blue (R/R) colors; x2 = patient had both mutations (eg, IDH1 and IDH2, or NRAS with KRAS). Last column shows overall frequency of mutated gene in the entire cohort. Bottom rows show karyotype (only depicted diploid vs complex) and response in the FL cohort (light green = complete remission regardless of counts recovery; dark green = partial remission). CG, cytogenetics; Mol, molecular; Resp, response.

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