Figure 1.
Drug responses in malignant NK-cell lines. Volcano plot of DSS of STAT3 (blue, n = 3) and TP53 (orange, n = 4) mutant cells in viability (A) and cytotoxicity (B) readouts. Drugs highlighted show selective sensitivity toward TP53 (orange) or STAT3 (blue) mutant NK cells. Dose–response curves of viability inhibition and toxicity in STAT3 and TP53 mutant NK-cell lines with ruxolitinib (C-D), A-1331852 (E-F), filanesib (G-H), birinapant (I-J), navitoclax (K-L), and idasanutlin (M-N). Drug responses were normalized to positive cell killing (benzethonium chloride) and negative (DMSO vehicle only) controls. Assays were conducted in single wells normalized plate-wise to negative (DMSO) and positive (BzCl) controls. Normalized cell viability, cell toxicity and resulting DSS values are provided in supplemental Data 1.

Drug responses in malignant NK-cell lines. Volcano plot of DSS of STAT3 (blue, n = 3) and TP53 (orange, n = 4) mutant cells in viability (A) and cytotoxicity (B) readouts. Drugs highlighted show selective sensitivity toward TP53 (orange) or STAT3 (blue) mutant NK cells. Dose–response curves of viability inhibition and toxicity in STAT3 and TP53 mutant NK-cell lines with ruxolitinib (C-D), A-1331852 (E-F), filanesib (G-H), birinapant (I-J), navitoclax (K-L), and idasanutlin (M-N). Drug responses were normalized to positive cell killing (benzethonium chloride) and negative (DMSO vehicle only) controls. Assays were conducted in single wells normalized plate-wise to negative (DMSO) and positive (BzCl) controls. Normalized cell viability, cell toxicity and resulting DSS values are provided in supplemental Data 1.

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