Figure 2.
Survival and NRM according to the CMML transplant score. (A) On the basis of the CMML transplant score (range, 0-20), 5 risk groups with distinct risk for death after transplantation could be distinguished (P < .001), showing a corresponding 5-year survival of 81% (95% CI, 64%-100%) for a score of 0 to 1, 49% (95% CI, 36%-66%) for a score of 2 to 4, 43% (95% CI, 30%-60%) for a score of 5 to 7, 31% (95% CI, 20%-49%) for a score of 8 to 10, and 19% (95% CI, 11%-36%) for a score of >10. An increasing CMML transplant score was also significantly associated with higher NRM (P < .001). (B) Accordingly, the corresponding 5-year NRM was 5% (95% CI, 0%-15%) for a score of 0 to 1, 22% (95% CI, 11%-33%) for a score of 2 to 4, 31% (95% CI, 19%-43%) for a score of 5 to 7, 46% (95% CI, 32%-60%) for a score of 8 to 10, and 51% (95% CI, 36%-67%) for a score of >10.

Survival and NRM according to the CMML transplant score. (A) On the basis of the CMML transplant score (range, 0-20), 5 risk groups with distinct risk for death after transplantation could be distinguished (P < .001), showing a corresponding 5-year survival of 81% (95% CI, 64%-100%) for a score of 0 to 1, 49% (95% CI, 36%-66%) for a score of 2 to 4, 43% (95% CI, 30%-60%) for a score of 5 to 7, 31% (95% CI, 20%-49%) for a score of 8 to 10, and 19% (95% CI, 11%-36%) for a score of >10. An increasing CMML transplant score was also significantly associated with higher NRM (P < .001). (B) Accordingly, the corresponding 5-year NRM was 5% (95% CI, 0%-15%) for a score of 0 to 1, 22% (95% CI, 11%-33%) for a score of 2 to 4, 31% (95% CI, 19%-43%) for a score of 5 to 7, 46% (95% CI, 32%-60%) for a score of 8 to 10, and 51% (95% CI, 36%-67%) for a score of >10.

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