Figure 2.
Short-term, selective Treg depletion or expansion alters thrombus resolution and monocyte differentiation. (A) DT-mediated Treg depletion (days 8, 9, and 12; DT) in DEREG mice interrupts clot resolution, and Treg expansion with IL-2/JES 6-1 complexes (days 8-12; compl.) accelerates clot resolution (n = 5 group/time point). (B) Flow cytometric enumeration of monocyte frequencies (n = 5 group/time point). (C) Monocyte MHC class II and CD11c expression. Pie chart color code in the left upper vein wall fluorescence-activated cell sorting plot. (D) Monocyte Ly6C and MMP activity. Representative flow cytometric plots of CD45+LIN(CD3/B220/NK1.1/Ly6G)negCD11b+-gated monocytes (n = 3 group/time point). Mean results ± SEM (*P ≤ .05; **P ≤ .005; ***P ≤ .0005) are shown. All statistical differences were tested using an unpaired Student t test (2 tailed). Ultrasound data and profiles are representative of 3 independent experiments.

Short-term, selective Treg depletion or expansion alters thrombus resolution and monocyte differentiation. (A) DT-mediated Treg depletion (days 8, 9, and 12; DT) in DEREG mice interrupts clot resolution, and Treg expansion with IL-2/JES 6-1 complexes (days 8-12; compl.) accelerates clot resolution (n = 5 group/time point). (B) Flow cytometric enumeration of monocyte frequencies (n = 5 group/time point). (C) Monocyte MHC class II and CD11c expression. Pie chart color code in the left upper vein wall fluorescence-activated cell sorting plot. (D) Monocyte Ly6C and MMP activity. Representative flow cytometric plots of CD45+LIN(CD3/B220/NK1.1/Ly6G)negCD11b+-gated monocytes (n = 3 group/time point). Mean results ± SEM (*P ≤ .05; **P ≤ .005; ***P ≤ .0005) are shown. All statistical differences were tested using an unpaired Student t test (2 tailed). Ultrasound data and profiles are representative of 3 independent experiments.

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