Figure 1.
Clustering of patients with CN-AML based on expression of 255 genes associated with relapse. Heatmap shows expressions of genes differentially expressed between patients who relapsed and those who did not relapse for ≥3 years after achieving a CR. Each row of the heatmap represents expression of a gene, and each column represents a patient. Differential expression analysis to determine the 255 genes included was performed using a negative binomial model with the DeSeq2 R package. Shown above the heatmap is the relapse status for each patient, and the mutation statuses of genes mutated in ≥9 patients, as assessed by sequencing 81 genes. Six genes included in the 10-gene relapse signature that we derived in this study are indicated with arrows on the right side of the heatmap.

Clustering of patients with CN-AML based on expression of 255 genes associated with relapse. Heatmap shows expressions of genes differentially expressed between patients who relapsed and those who did not relapse for ≥3 years after achieving a CR. Each row of the heatmap represents expression of a gene, and each column represents a patient. Differential expression analysis to determine the 255 genes included was performed using a negative binomial model with the DeSeq2 R package. Shown above the heatmap is the relapse status for each patient, and the mutation statuses of genes mutated in ≥9 patients, as assessed by sequencing 81 genes. Six genes included in the 10-gene relapse signature that we derived in this study are indicated with arrows on the right side of the heatmap.

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