Figure 5.
Cause of death of patients who achieved EFS24 after allo-HSCT. The cause of death was grouped into primary disease, infection, organ failure, secondary malignancy, other, and unknown. (A) HL. (B) DLBCL. (C) FL. (D) MCL. (E) BL. (F) PTCL-NOS. (G) AITL. (H) ALCL. (I) MF/SS. (J) ENKTL.

Cause of death of patients who achieved EFS24 after allo-HSCT. The cause of death was grouped into primary disease, infection, organ failure, secondary malignancy, other, and unknown. (A) HL. (B) DLBCL. (C) FL. (D) MCL. (E) BL. (F) PTCL-NOS. (G) AITL. (H) ALCL. (I) MF/SS. (J) ENKTL.

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