Figure 3.
Relation between CRS and antileukemic activity. (A) Relation between BM blast change and number of days patient experienced CRS during cycle 1. (B) Relation between BM blast change and number of CRS events during cycle 1. (C) Relation between BM blast change and CRS severity (mean grade for all events per patient) during cycle 1. Simple regression is shown as red line; dotted lines depict 95% CI.

Relation between CRS and antileukemic activity. (A) Relation between BM blast change and number of days patient experienced CRS during cycle 1. (B) Relation between BM blast change and number of CRS events during cycle 1. (C) Relation between BM blast change and CRS severity (mean grade for all events per patient) during cycle 1. Simple regression is shown as red line; dotted lines depict 95% CI.

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