Figure 3.
EV formation throughout storage of murine platelets requires ASM. Group data show EV number (#EVs; A-B), EV size (C-D), and EV composition in terms of concentrations of LCC and VLCC chain length ceramide and S1P (E-F) for EVs from WT platelet pools stored for 1 (D1-EVs) or 5 days (D5-EVs) with or without addition of 10 μM/L of the ASM inhibitor ARC39 (D5-EVs [ARC39]) or 0.1 U/mL SM (D1-EVs [SM]), or EVs from 5 days stored platelets from Smpd1−/− mice (D5-EVs [Smpd1−/−]). Group data are depicted as medians and 25% quartiles; n = 6-18 each. *P < .05 vs D5-EVs (A,C,F) or D1-EVs (B,D,E), respectively (1-way analysis of variance and post hoc all pairwise Tukey test).

EV formation throughout storage of murine platelets requires ASM. Group data show EV number (#EVs; A-B), EV size (C-D), and EV composition in terms of concentrations of LCC and VLCC chain length ceramide and S1P (E-F) for EVs from WT platelet pools stored for 1 (D1-EVs) or 5 days (D5-EVs) with or without addition of 10 μM/L of the ASM inhibitor ARC39 (D5-EVs [ARC39]) or 0.1 U/mL SM (D1-EVs [SM]), or EVs from 5 days stored platelets from Smpd1−/− mice (D5-EVs [Smpd1−/−]). Group data are depicted as medians and 25% quartiles; n = 6-18 each. *P < .05 vs D5-EVs (A,C,F) or D1-EVs (B,D,E), respectively (1-way analysis of variance and post hoc all pairwise Tukey test).

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