Figure 7.
Basal RUNX1 expression and response to bortezomib in samples from sporadic cases of AML, with or without RUNX1 mutations. (A) Endogenous RUNX1 expression detected in MNCs from sporadic cases of AML, with or without RUNX1 mutations (mutant, n = 8; wild-type [WT], n = 12). (B) Relative fold change of RUNX1 transcript in samples from sporadic cases of AML with RUNX1 mutations after a 48-hour pulse-chase time course with bortezomib (n = 3). Case information is provided in supplemental Table 3. Error bars show standard deviation.

Basal RUNX1 expression and response to bortezomib in samples from sporadic cases of AML, with or without RUNX1 mutations. (A) Endogenous RUNX1 expression detected in MNCs from sporadic cases of AML, with or without RUNX1 mutations (mutant, n = 8; wild-type [WT], n = 12). (B) Relative fold change of RUNX1 transcript in samples from sporadic cases of AML with RUNX1 mutations after a 48-hour pulse-chase time course with bortezomib (n = 3). Case information is provided in supplemental Table 3. Error bars show standard deviation.

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