Figure 1.
Distinct KEL founders produce RBCs that express distinct levels of the KEL antigen. (A) Representative flow plot and histogram for distinct KEL RBC donor populations, including forward (FSC) and side scatter (SSC) profile gating strategy, staining for the KEL antigen with anti-KEL antibodies, and the level of Ter119 observed in each population. (B) Quantification of FSC profile, KEL antigen levels, and Ter119 staining in KELhi, KELmed, and KELlo RBCs. *KELlo vs B6, P < .001; **KELmed vs B6, P < .0001; and KELmed vs KELlo, P < .001; ***KELhi vs B6, P < .0001; KELhi vs KELlo, P < .0001; and KELhi vs KELmed, P < .0001. (C) Titration of anti-KEL polyclonal antibody against KELhi, KELmed, and KELlo RBCs followed by flow cytometric examination. (D) Examination of antibody binding to KELhi, KELmed, and KELlo RBCs following incubation with serum isolated from recipients that were passively immunized with the indicated doses of anti-KEL antibody. Error bars represent mean ± SEM. n = 3-5 mice per group. Each panel represents data reproduced 3 times.

Distinct KEL founders produce RBCs that express distinct levels of the KEL antigen. (A) Representative flow plot and histogram for distinct KEL RBC donor populations, including forward (FSC) and side scatter (SSC) profile gating strategy, staining for the KEL antigen with anti-KEL antibodies, and the level of Ter119 observed in each population. (B) Quantification of FSC profile, KEL antigen levels, and Ter119 staining in KELhi, KELmed, and KELlo RBCs. *KELlo vs B6, P < .001; **KELmed vs B6, P < .0001; and KELmed vs KELlo, P < .001; ***KELhi vs B6, P < .0001; KELhi vs KELlo, P < .0001; and KELhi vs KELmed, P < .0001. (C) Titration of anti-KEL polyclonal antibody against KELhi, KELmed, and KELlo RBCs followed by flow cytometric examination. (D) Examination of antibody binding to KELhi, KELmed, and KELlo RBCs following incubation with serum isolated from recipients that were passively immunized with the indicated doses of anti-KEL antibody. Error bars represent mean ± SEM. n = 3-5 mice per group. Each panel represents data reproduced 3 times.

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