Figure 3.
Swimmer plot of response periods for patients who had a reduction in the transfusion burden of at least 50% from baseline during any 12-week interval in the intention-to-treat population. Each row (swim lane) on the y-axis represents an individual patient in the luspatercept group (A) or the placebo group (B). A response period was defined as a continuous period in which a patient had a reduction in the transfusion burden of at least 50% from baseline during any 12-week interval. Different response periods may have overlapped. All patients received best supportive care in addition to luspatercept or placebo. Reprinted with permission from Cappellini et al.24 Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.

Swimmer plot of response periods for patients who had a reduction in the transfusion burden of at least 50% from baseline during any 12-week interval in the intention-to-treat population. Each row (swim lane) on the y-axis represents an individual patient in the luspatercept group (A) or the placebo group (B). A response period was defined as a continuous period in which a patient had a reduction in the transfusion burden of at least 50% from baseline during any 12-week interval. Different response periods may have overlapped. All patients received best supportive care in addition to luspatercept or placebo. Reprinted with permission from Cappellini et al.24 Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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