Figure 7.
CDK6 is required for homing to the BM of HPCLSKBCR/ABLp210cells. (A) Sytox staining for apoptotic cells of HPCLSK BCR/ABLp210 cells starved for 90 minutes in 0.5% fetal calf serum medium. Numbers represent mean ± SD (n = 3 different cell lines per genotype; *P < .05 by Student t test). (B) qPCR validation of RNA-Seq data of the target gene Csf3r (mean ± SEM; n = 3 different cell lines per genotype; *P < .05 by Student t test). (C) Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of myeloid markers (CD11b, Gr-1) of BCR/ABLp210 HPCLSKs (mean ± SEM; n = 3 different cell lines per genotype; *P <.05 by Student t test). (D) Validation of selected genes (Pik3r6, Gp1ba, Fzd6, Mmp2) found deregulated in GO analysis of the RNA-Seq experiment by qPCR and nested qPCR (mean ± SEM; n = 3 different cell lines per genotype; *P < .05 by Student t test). (E) Left: Experimental scheme of HPCLSKs BCR/ABLp210 homing assay in wild-type recipient mice. Right: Percentage HPCLSKs BCR/ABLp210 cells in spleen and BM detected by flow cytometry is shown (mean ± SEM; n = 4 to 7 per group, 2 to 3 independent cell lines, *P < .05 by Student t test). wt, wild type.

CDK6 is required for homing to the BM of HPCLSKBCR/ABLp210cells. (A) Sytox staining for apoptotic cells of HPCLSK BCR/ABLp210 cells starved for 90 minutes in 0.5% fetal calf serum medium. Numbers represent mean ± SD (n = 3 different cell lines per genotype; *P < .05 by Student t test). (B) qPCR validation of RNA-Seq data of the target gene Csf3r (mean ± SEM; n = 3 different cell lines per genotype; *P < .05 by Student t test). (C) Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of myeloid markers (CD11b, Gr-1) of BCR/ABLp210 HPCLSKs (mean ± SEM; n = 3 different cell lines per genotype; *P <.05 by Student t test). (D) Validation of selected genes (Pik3r6, Gp1ba, Fzd6, Mmp2) found deregulated in GO analysis of the RNA-Seq experiment by qPCR and nested qPCR (mean ± SEM; n = 3 different cell lines per genotype; *P < .05 by Student t test). (E) Left: Experimental scheme of HPCLSKs BCR/ABLp210 homing assay in wild-type recipient mice. Right: Percentage HPCLSKs BCR/ABLp210 cells in spleen and BM detected by flow cytometry is shown (mean ± SEM; n = 4 to 7 per group, 2 to 3 independent cell lines, *P < .05 by Student t test). wt, wild type.

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