Figure 2.
GVHD-related outcomes. (A) Percentage of SR GVHD in AAT-treated patients (blue; 20%) and controls (magenta; 14%) by day 100. (B) Six-month cumulative incidence of grade II to IV GVHD treated with systemic steroids in AAT-treated patients (40%) and controls (30%). (C) Six-month cumulative incidence of grade III or IV GVHD in AAT-treated patients (17%) and controls (12%).

GVHD-related outcomes. (A) Percentage of SR GVHD in AAT-treated patients (blue; 20%) and controls (magenta; 14%) by day 100. (B) Six-month cumulative incidence of grade II to IV GVHD treated with systemic steroids in AAT-treated patients (40%) and controls (30%). (C) Six-month cumulative incidence of grade III or IV GVHD in AAT-treated patients (17%) and controls (12%).

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