Figure 2.
Cytogenetic and molecular features of AEL. Cases are separated according to morphology of PEL and erythroid/myeloid subtypes, with 2017 WHO classification used for MDS and AML. *2017 WHO classification could not be determined, as the total percentage of myeloid blasts in all cells (not just nonerythroid cells) was not recorded. PM, point mutation; x, not performed.

Cytogenetic and molecular features of AEL. Cases are separated according to morphology of PEL and erythroid/myeloid subtypes, with 2017 WHO classification used for MDS and AML. *2017 WHO classification could not be determined, as the total percentage of myeloid blasts in all cells (not just nonerythroid cells) was not recorded. PM, point mutation; x, not performed.

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