Figure 2.
PD-L1 expression and immune subtypes of responders to avelumab. (A) Images of PD-L1–negative, focal weak positive, and diffuse strong positive cases by immunohistochemistry. (B) Comparison of responders and nonresponders based on high and low PD-L1 expression (PD-L1 score >10 vs ≤10). (C) Distribution of PD-L1 scores according to responses. (D) Association of response and immune subtypes: representative immunohistochemistry images of each TIME subgroup. FoxP3-positive regulatory T cells were very abundant in IT but then decreased rapidly. PD-L1 expression was highest in IE-A patients. The CD68-positive macrophages of IS showed a unique morphology of the process type. (E) Progression-free survival of high and low PD-L1 patients. (F) Overall survival of 4 immune subtypes.

PD-L1 expression and immune subtypes of responders to avelumab. (A) Images of PD-L1–negative, focal weak positive, and diffuse strong positive cases by immunohistochemistry. (B) Comparison of responders and nonresponders based on high and low PD-L1 expression (PD-L1 score >10 vs ≤10). (C) Distribution of PD-L1 scores according to responses. (D) Association of response and immune subtypes: representative immunohistochemistry images of each TIME subgroup. FoxP3-positive regulatory T cells were very abundant in IT but then decreased rapidly. PD-L1 expression was highest in IE-A patients. The CD68-positive macrophages of IS showed a unique morphology of the process type. (E) Progression-free survival of high and low PD-L1 patients. (F) Overall survival of 4 immune subtypes.

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