Figure 4.
MRD response rates over the course of KRd plus ASCT treatment. Forty-eight patients had baseline and at least 1 postbaseline bone marrow sample available for MRD assessment by next-generation sequencing (clonoSeq). MRD rates at 8 cycles, at the end of 18 cycles of KRd, and best response in evaluable patients (patients with at least 1 MRD assessment) (A), and in mITT population (B) (as described by Perrot et al26 and in “Methods”).

MRD response rates over the course of KRd plus ASCT treatment. Forty-eight patients had baseline and at least 1 postbaseline bone marrow sample available for MRD assessment by next-generation sequencing (clonoSeq). MRD rates at 8 cycles, at the end of 18 cycles of KRd, and best response in evaluable patients (patients with at least 1 MRD assessment) (A), and in mITT population (B) (as described by Perrot et al26  and in “Methods”).

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