Table 1.

Characteristics of the study population at the start of TMZ treatment and response to TMZ

CharacteristicsPrevious treatmentsTMZ treatment
PtAge (y)ISOLD scoreCSF testsLines of previous treatmentHD MTXHD cytarabineITV MTXRituxASCTOtherTMZ duration (mo)TMZ responsePFS (mo)OS (mo)Vital status at last FU/ cause of death
53 ND Cy First line × 3 Second line × 2 Second line/ C: TCB 40 CR 115+ 115+ Alive in CR 
74 9.2  ND First line × 2 Third line Y (second line) Second line: Ritux + idarubicin + ifosfamide CR 73+ 73+ Alive in CR 
81 ND Cy, Ck First line CR 52+ 52+ Alive in CR 
85 18.8 ND CR 47+ 47+ Alive in CR 
90 9.2 ND CR (cerebral and ocular) 40 44 Alive with relapse 
79 6.7 Cy, Cl, Ck, F_ First line × 6 Second line ibrutinib 25 CR 29+ 29+ Alive in CR 
75 ND ND First line × 3 Second line × 2 Fourth line Y (third line) Third line: Ritux + idarubicin + ifosfamide CR 17 18 Death due to cerebral progression 
72 11.4 Cy First line × 6 First line × 2: dose reduction 16 CR 16 30 Alive with relapse 
87 18.8 ND First and second line CR 13 26 Death due to cerebral progression 
10 73 15 Cy, Cl First line × 6 First line × 2 2nd line/ C: TCB Second line: ICE 11 CR 11 14 Death due to cerebral progression 
11 80 7.3 Cy, Ck, F First line × 6 First line × 6 Second line: ibrutinib 10 CR 10 11 Alive with relapse 
12 67 16 Cy, F First line × 6 First line × 6 9+ CR 9+ 9+ Alive with CR 
13 56 6.6 ND First line × 4 Second and third line CR 15 Death due to cerebral progression 
14 70 ND ND First line unknown doses First line unknown doses Y (first line) CR 43 Alive with relapse 
15 75 12.9 Cy First line × 6 First line × 2 Y (first line) Second line: lenalidomide CR 22 Alive with relapse 
16 75 ND Cy First line × 3 First line × 2 First line: cerebral Rx 11 Gy PR 11 81 Alive with relapse 
17 44 16 ND First line × 5 First line × 5 Second line: ICE PR 28 Alive with relapse 
18 74 ND Cy First line × 6 First line × 2 11 PD 11 16 Lost to FU 
19 75 9.4 Cy First line × 6 First line × 2 PD 17 Death due to cerebral progression 
20 84 ND ND First line × 6 First line × 2 Unknown PD 12 Death due to unknown cause 
21 35 ND Cy First line × 5 PD 21 Lost to FU 
CharacteristicsPrevious treatmentsTMZ treatment
PtAge (y)ISOLD scoreCSF testsLines of previous treatmentHD MTXHD cytarabineITV MTXRituxASCTOtherTMZ duration (mo)TMZ responsePFS (mo)OS (mo)Vital status at last FU/ cause of death
53 ND Cy First line × 3 Second line × 2 Second line/ C: TCB 40 CR 115+ 115+ Alive in CR 
74 9.2  ND First line × 2 Third line Y (second line) Second line: Ritux + idarubicin + ifosfamide CR 73+ 73+ Alive in CR 
81 ND Cy, Ck First line CR 52+ 52+ Alive in CR 
85 18.8 ND CR 47+ 47+ Alive in CR 
90 9.2 ND CR (cerebral and ocular) 40 44 Alive with relapse 
79 6.7 Cy, Cl, Ck, F_ First line × 6 Second line ibrutinib 25 CR 29+ 29+ Alive in CR 
75 ND ND First line × 3 Second line × 2 Fourth line Y (third line) Third line: Ritux + idarubicin + ifosfamide CR 17 18 Death due to cerebral progression 
72 11.4 Cy First line × 6 First line × 2: dose reduction 16 CR 16 30 Alive with relapse 
87 18.8 ND First and second line CR 13 26 Death due to cerebral progression 
10 73 15 Cy, Cl First line × 6 First line × 2 2nd line/ C: TCB Second line: ICE 11 CR 11 14 Death due to cerebral progression 
11 80 7.3 Cy, Ck, F First line × 6 First line × 6 Second line: ibrutinib 10 CR 10 11 Alive with relapse 
12 67 16 Cy, F First line × 6 First line × 6 9+ CR 9+ 9+ Alive with CR 
13 56 6.6 ND First line × 4 Second and third line CR 15 Death due to cerebral progression 
14 70 ND ND First line unknown doses First line unknown doses Y (first line) CR 43 Alive with relapse 
15 75 12.9 Cy First line × 6 First line × 2 Y (first line) Second line: lenalidomide CR 22 Alive with relapse 
16 75 ND Cy First line × 3 First line × 2 First line: cerebral Rx 11 Gy PR 11 81 Alive with relapse 
17 44 16 ND First line × 5 First line × 5 Second line: ICE PR 28 Alive with relapse 
18 74 ND Cy First line × 6 First line × 2 11 PD 11 16 Lost to FU 
19 75 9.4 Cy First line × 6 First line × 2 PD 17 Death due to cerebral progression 
20 84 ND ND First line × 6 First line × 2 Unknown PD 12 Death due to unknown cause 
21 35 ND Cy First line × 5 PD 21 Lost to FU 

Patient 12 is still receiving treatment with TMZ. Patients 6 and 8 were treated with MTX ITV for 2 months and lenalidomide for 5 months, respectively. ISOLD score was done in vitreous or AH; a score >4.6 has a 99% probability of LVRP. All patients tested for CSF were negative with all the tests used.

C, cerebral; CR, conditioning regimen; Cl, clonality; Ck, cytokine dosage; CR, complete response; Cy, cytology; F, flow cytometry; FU, follow-up; ICE, ifosfamide + carboplatin + etoposide; ITV, intravitreal; N, no; ND, no data; PD, progressive disease; PFS, progression-free survival; PR, partial response; Pt, patient; Ritux, rituximab; Rx, radiotherapy; OS, overall survival; SD, stable disease; TCB, thiotepa + cyclophosphamide + busulfan; Y, yes.

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