Table 1.

Production of p24 Ag by SK-specific and Der p 1–specific short-term T cell lines infected in vitro with the HIV-1BaL strain

Ag Specificity No. of T Cell Linesp24 Ag (pg/mL)
SK 8  100 ± 17   1,460 ± 210  
Der p 1  783 ± 120  4,234 ± 635  
Pvalues  <.005  <.005 
Ag Specificity No. of T Cell Linesp24 Ag (pg/mL)
SK 8  100 ± 17   1,460 ± 210  
Der p 1  783 ± 120  4,234 ± 635  
Pvalues  <.005  <.005 

SK-specific and Der p 1–specific short-term T cell lines were generated from PBMC of 8 Der p 1–sensitive atopic donors, as described in Materials and Methods. On day 15, T cell lines were infected with the HIV-1IIIB or HIV-1BaL strains, and on day 6 after infection, they were assessed for p24 Ag production, as previously described.


Values represent the mean ± SEM (standard error of the mean) of p24 Ag concentrations in cell-free supernatants.

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