Table 4.

Univariate Analysis for CMV Disease and Infection

(A) Univariate Analysis for CMV Disease (B) Univariate Analysis for CMV Infection
OR P Value 95% CI OR P Value95% CI
CD34 selection  6.62  <.001  2.3-19.0 2.69  .04  1.0-7.0  
Age at transplant  1.99  .18 0.7-5.4  1.47  .28  0.7-3.0  
No. of CD34 cells/kg infused  
 >5 and <8.56 × 106 2.15  .18 0.7-6.6  0.83  .66  0.4-1.9 
 ≥8.56 × 106 0.39  .26  0.1-2.1 0.93  .87  0.4-2.2  
Underlying disease  1.95  .19 0.7-5.3  1.98  .06  1.0-4.1  
TBI conditioning regimen 0.98  .98  0.3-3.6  1.56  .28  0.7-3.5  
Steroid use  1.54  .40  0.6-4.2  3.00  .003  1.5-6.1 
(A) Univariate Analysis for CMV Disease (B) Univariate Analysis for CMV Infection
OR P Value 95% CI OR P Value95% CI
CD34 selection  6.62  <.001  2.3-19.0 2.69  .04  1.0-7.0  
Age at transplant  1.99  .18 0.7-5.4  1.47  .28  0.7-3.0  
No. of CD34 cells/kg infused  
 >5 and <8.56 × 106 2.15  .18 0.7-6.6  0.83  .66  0.4-1.9 
 ≥8.56 × 106 0.39  .26  0.1-2.1 0.93  .87  0.4-2.2  
Underlying disease  1.95  .19 0.7-5.3  1.98  .06  1.0-4.1  
TBI conditioning regimen 0.98  .98  0.3-3.6  1.56  .28  0.7-3.5  
Steroid use  1.54  .40  0.6-4.2  3.00  .003  1.5-6.1 
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