Table 1.

Day 100 efficacy results from phase 2/3 randomized double-blind trials of maribavir versus placebo in allogeneic HCT recipients*

Day 100 efficacy results from phase 2/3 randomized double-blind trials of maribavir versus placebo in allogeneic HCT recipients*
Day 100 efficacy results from phase 2/3 randomized double-blind trials of maribavir versus placebo in allogeneic HCT recipients*

Intention-to-treat population (data are from Marty et al 2011 and Winston et al 200823 ).

†3:1 randomization with a combined placebo group for all dose levels; only seropositive recipients.

‡2:1 randomization; seropositive recipients and seronegative recipients with a seropositive donor (D+/R−) were eligible.

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