Table 6

Outcome of MPN after MDS/AML transformation in literature series

StudySample sizeTreatmentCR/CRi, %Median survival with specific treatment, moOverall median survival, mo
Cervantes et al, 199124  13 Not detailed   3.0 
Passamonti, 2005 23 Best supportive care (n = 7)  2.5 2.9 
Low dose Ara-C (n = 4)    
6-Thioguanine (n = 4)    
Intensive chemotherapy(n = 8) 13 5.6  
Mesa et al, 200525  91 Best supportive care (n = 48)  2.0 2.6 
Oral busulfan/etoposide (n = 4) 2.9  
Vindesine (n = 9)    
Other (n = 6)    
Intensive chemotherapy (n = 24) 3.9  
Tam et al, 200826  74 Best supportive care (n = 19)   5.0 
Gemtuzumab (n = 4) 6.0  
Azacytidine (n = 3)    
Dasatinib (n = 2)    
Other (n = 3)    
Intensive chemotherapy (n = 41) 46 7.0  
StudySample sizeTreatmentCR/CRi, %Median survival with specific treatment, moOverall median survival, mo
Cervantes et al, 199124  13 Not detailed   3.0 
Passamonti, 2005 23 Best supportive care (n = 7)  2.5 2.9 
Low dose Ara-C (n = 4)    
6-Thioguanine (n = 4)    
Intensive chemotherapy(n = 8) 13 5.6  
Mesa et al, 200525  91 Best supportive care (n = 48)  2.0 2.6 
Oral busulfan/etoposide (n = 4) 2.9  
Vindesine (n = 9)    
Other (n = 6)    
Intensive chemotherapy (n = 24) 3.9  
Tam et al, 200826  74 Best supportive care (n = 19)   5.0 
Gemtuzumab (n = 4) 6.0  
Azacytidine (n = 3)    
Dasatinib (n = 2)    
Other (n = 3)    
Intensive chemotherapy (n = 41) 46 7.0  

A total of 201 patients were evaluated.

MPN indicates myeloproliferative neoplasm; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; CR, complete response; CRi, complete response with incomplete recovery of cytopenias; and Ara-C, cytosine arabinoside.

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