Table 4

Response to azacitidine in MPN having progressed to MDS and AML

All (n = 54)WHO classification at progression
AML (n = 26)MDS (n = 28)
    CR, n ( % ) 10 (19) 2 (8) 8 (29) 
    Cytogenetic CR, n (%) 3 (6) 1 (4) 2 (7) 
    CRi, n (%) 1 (2) 1 (4)  
    Marrow CR, n (%) 3 (6) * 3 (11) 
    PR, n (%) 6 (11) 6 (23)  
    Stable with HI, n (%) 5 (9) * 5 (21) 
    Stable without HI, n (%) 3 (6) * 3 (11) 
    Progression, n (%) 24 (44) 16 (62) 8 (29) 
Overall response rate, n (%) 28 (52)   
    CR + CRi + PR, n (%)  10 (38)  
    CR + marrow CR + PR + stable with HI, n (%)*   18 (64) 
All (n = 54)WHO classification at progression
AML (n = 26)MDS (n = 28)
    CR, n ( % ) 10 (19) 2 (8) 8 (29) 
    Cytogenetic CR, n (%) 3 (6) 1 (4) 2 (7) 
    CRi, n (%) 1 (2) 1 (4)  
    Marrow CR, n (%) 3 (6) * 3 (11) 
    PR, n (%) 6 (11) 6 (23)  
    Stable with HI, n (%) 5 (9) * 5 (21) 
    Stable without HI, n (%) 3 (6) * 3 (11) 
    Progression, n (%) 24 (44) 16 (62) 8 (29) 
Overall response rate, n (%) 28 (52)   
    CR + CRi + PR, n (%)  10 (38)  
    CR + marrow CR + PR + stable with HI, n (%)*   18 (64) 

MPN indicates myeloproliferative neoplasm; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; WHO, World Health Organization; CR, complete response, CRi, complete response with incomplete recovery of cytopenias; PR, partial response; HI, hematologic improvement.


International Working Group 2006 response criteria for MDS.

International Working Group 2003 response criteria for AML.

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