Table 3

Patient characteristics at transformation

AML (n = 26), n (%)MDS (n = 28), n (%)
    Intermediate* 10 (38)  
    Unfavorable* 12 (46)  
    Failure 4 (15)  
    Good  5 (18) 
    Intermediate  4 (14) 
    Poor  15 (54) 
    Failure  4 (14) 
WHO classification   
    Marrow blasts > 30% 17 (65)  
    Marrow blasts 20%-30% (RAEB-t) 9 (35)  
    RAEB-1  9 (32) 
    RAEB-2  19 (68) 
    Intermediate 1  2 (7) 
    Intermediate 2  12 (43) 
    High  10 (36) 
    NE  4 (14) 
AML (n = 26), n (%)MDS (n = 28), n (%)
    Intermediate* 10 (38)  
    Unfavorable* 12 (46)  
    Failure 4 (15)  
    Good  5 (18) 
    Intermediate  4 (14) 
    Poor  15 (54) 
    Failure  4 (14) 
WHO classification   
    Marrow blasts > 30% 17 (65)  
    Marrow blasts 20%-30% (RAEB-t) 9 (35)  
    RAEB-1  9 (32) 
    RAEB-2  19 (68) 
    Intermediate 1  2 (7) 
    Intermediate 2  12 (43) 
    High  10 (36) 
    NE  4 (14) 

AML indicates acute myeloid leukemia; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; WHO, World Health Organization; RAEB-t, refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation; RAEB-1, refractory anemia with excess blasts 1; RAEB-2, refractory anemia with excess blasts 2; and NE, not evaluable.


Medical Research Council classification.

International Prognostic Scoring System classification.

Cytogenetic failure.

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