Table 1

Patient characteristics and treatment results according to initial MPN

All patientsPVETPMFMPNuOverall PP (ET vs PV)
No. of patients 54 21 21   
Median age, y 68.5 66 71 73 71 NS NS 
JAK2 V617F positive in chronic phase, n/N (%) 24/41 (59) 12/14 (86) 9/16 (56) 2/7 (29) 1/4 (25) .023 NS 
Median time to transformation, mo 71 154 70 19 19 < .001 .004 
AML at transformation, n (%) 26 (48) 13 (62) 10 (48) 3 (43) NS NS 
MDS at transformation, n (%) 28 (52) 8 (38) 11 (52) 4 (57) 5 (100)   
Complex karyotype at transformation, n (%) 16 (30) 8 (44) 6 (33) 2 (33) NS NS 
Overall response to azacitidine, n (%) 28 (52) 7 (33) 15 (71) 4 (57) 2 (40) NS .016 
Restoration of chronic phase MPN features after azacitidine, n (%) 11 (20) 3 (14) 8 (38) NS NS 
Median survival from onset of azacitidine, mo 11 16 10 NS NS 
All patientsPVETPMFMPNuOverall PP (ET vs PV)
No. of patients 54 21 21   
Median age, y 68.5 66 71 73 71 NS NS 
JAK2 V617F positive in chronic phase, n/N (%) 24/41 (59) 12/14 (86) 9/16 (56) 2/7 (29) 1/4 (25) .023 NS 
Median time to transformation, mo 71 154 70 19 19 < .001 .004 
AML at transformation, n (%) 26 (48) 13 (62) 10 (48) 3 (43) NS NS 
MDS at transformation, n (%) 28 (52) 8 (38) 11 (52) 4 (57) 5 (100)   
Complex karyotype at transformation, n (%) 16 (30) 8 (44) 6 (33) 2 (33) NS NS 
Overall response to azacitidine, n (%) 28 (52) 7 (33) 15 (71) 4 (57) 2 (40) NS .016 
Restoration of chronic phase MPN features after azacitidine, n (%) 11 (20) 3 (14) 8 (38) NS NS 
Median survival from onset of azacitidine, mo 11 16 10 NS NS 

PV indicates polycythemia vera; ET, essential thrombocythemia; PMF, primary myelofibrosis; MPNu, myeloproliferative neoplasm unclassified; NS, not significant; JAK2, Janus kinase-2; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; and MPN, myeloproliferative neoplasm.

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