Table 1

Demographics, pretreatment characteristics, and treatment schedule in 24 patients

Male, % 50 
Median age, y (range) 59 (41-82) 
IgG/IgA/IgD/light chain only, % 29/25/4/42 
No. of prior therapies  
    Median (range) 2 (0-6) 
    None, no. (%) 1 (4) 
    1, no. (%) 4 (17) 
    2 or 3, no. (%) 12 (50) 
    4 or more, no. (%) 3 (13) 
    Unknown, no. (%) 4 (17) 
Serum creatinine level  
    Median, mg/dL (range) 6.8 (3.1-12.8) 
    More than 2 mg/dL, no. (%) 22 (92) 
    More than 6 mg/dL, no. (%) 15 (63) 
    Unknown, no. (%) 2 (8) 
Median hemoglobin level,* g/dL (range) 10.2 (7.4-15.3) 
Median platelet count,* × 109/L (range) 186 (25-369) 
Etiology of renal failure, no. (%)  
    Progressive MM 14 (58) 
    Amyloidosis 2 (8) 
    Renal cortical atrophy 1 (4) 
    Unknown 7 (29) 
Bortezomib treatment, no. (%)†  
    Alone 2 (8) 
    Plus dexamethasone 6 (25) 
    Plus dexamethasone and thalidomide 4 (17) 
    Plus liposomal doxorubicin and thalidomide 7 (29) 
    Other combinations 4 (17) 
    Not specified 1 (4) 
Bortezomib starting dose, no. (%)  
    Less than 1.0 mg/m2 1 (4) 
    1.0 mg/m2 3 (13) 
    1.3 mg/m2 20 (83) 
Median no. of cycles of bortezomib (range) 5 (2-20) 
Timing of treatment relative to dialysis, no. (%)  
    Before dialysis 1 (4) 
    During dialysis 1 (4) 
    After dialysis§ 20 (83) 
    Not reported 1 (4) 
    No dialysis 1 (4) 
Male, % 50 
Median age, y (range) 59 (41-82) 
IgG/IgA/IgD/light chain only, % 29/25/4/42 
No. of prior therapies  
    Median (range) 2 (0-6) 
    None, no. (%) 1 (4) 
    1, no. (%) 4 (17) 
    2 or 3, no. (%) 12 (50) 
    4 or more, no. (%) 3 (13) 
    Unknown, no. (%) 4 (17) 
Serum creatinine level  
    Median, mg/dL (range) 6.8 (3.1-12.8) 
    More than 2 mg/dL, no. (%) 22 (92) 
    More than 6 mg/dL, no. (%) 15 (63) 
    Unknown, no. (%) 2 (8) 
Median hemoglobin level,* g/dL (range) 10.2 (7.4-15.3) 
Median platelet count,* × 109/L (range) 186 (25-369) 
Etiology of renal failure, no. (%)  
    Progressive MM 14 (58) 
    Amyloidosis 2 (8) 
    Renal cortical atrophy 1 (4) 
    Unknown 7 (29) 
Bortezomib treatment, no. (%)†  
    Alone 2 (8) 
    Plus dexamethasone 6 (25) 
    Plus dexamethasone and thalidomide 4 (17) 
    Plus liposomal doxorubicin and thalidomide 7 (29) 
    Other combinations 4 (17) 
    Not specified 1 (4) 
Bortezomib starting dose, no. (%)  
    Less than 1.0 mg/m2 1 (4) 
    1.0 mg/m2 3 (13) 
    1.3 mg/m2 20 (83) 
Median no. of cycles of bortezomib (range) 5 (2-20) 
Timing of treatment relative to dialysis, no. (%)  
    Before dialysis 1 (4) 
    During dialysis 1 (4) 
    After dialysis§ 20 (83) 
    Not reported 1 (4) 
    No dialysis 1 (4) 

Data available from 22 patients.

Bortezomib was administered using the standard dose schedule (days 1, 4, 8, and 11 every 3 weeks) except in 7 patients who received an alternative schedule of bortezomib (days 1, 4, 15, and 18 every 4 weeks).

Other regimens included combinations with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, thalidomide, dexamethasone, and prednisone.


One patient received treatment both after and before the dialysis procedure on separate hospital visits.

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