Table 4

Characteristics of patients who received EBV-specific T cells for therapy for acute PTLD after allo-SCT

PatientAge, y, sexPrimary diseaseTransplant donorTime of transplantation*Time of diagnosis of PTLD*Time of RI*Rituximab, d*Cidofovir, d*Symptoms at time of T-cell transferPTLD responseOutcome, d*
24, F AML MMR −62 −5 −5 −5, −1, 5, 12 −5, −2, 5 Lymphadenopathy CR Alive & well (657) 
19, F SAA MU −47 −6 −6 −5, 0 −5, 9 Lymphadenopathy, tonsillitis, fever CR Alive & well (643) 
24, M SAA MMR −63 −6 −6 −6, −3 −6, 2, 9 Lymphadenopathy, fever CR Died (96), lung failure 
36, M T-NHL MMR −71 −5 −3 −3, 0 −19, −12, −3, −1 Lymphadenopathy, fever, MOF NR Died (1), MOF 
44, M t-AML, after immunocytoma MMR −93 −15 −19 −14, −8, 0 −22, 0, 3, 7, 10 Lymphadenopathy, fever, MOF PD Died (11), MOF 
46, M Recurrent AML MMR −81 −9 −9 −9, −7, −2, 4 −9, −6, −1 Lymphadenopathy, fever, MOF PD Died (7), MOF 
PatientAge, y, sexPrimary diseaseTransplant donorTime of transplantation*Time of diagnosis of PTLD*Time of RI*Rituximab, d*Cidofovir, d*Symptoms at time of T-cell transferPTLD responseOutcome, d*
24, F AML MMR −62 −5 −5 −5, −1, 5, 12 −5, −2, 5 Lymphadenopathy CR Alive & well (657) 
19, F SAA MU −47 −6 −6 −5, 0 −5, 9 Lymphadenopathy, tonsillitis, fever CR Alive & well (643) 
24, M SAA MMR −63 −6 −6 −6, −3 −6, 2, 9 Lymphadenopathy, fever CR Died (96), lung failure 
36, M T-NHL MMR −71 −5 −3 −3, 0 −19, −12, −3, −1 Lymphadenopathy, fever, MOF NR Died (1), MOF 
44, M t-AML, after immunocytoma MMR −93 −15 −19 −14, −8, 0 −22, 0, 3, 7, 10 Lymphadenopathy, fever, MOF PD Died (11), MOF 
46, M Recurrent AML MMR −81 −9 −9 −9, −7, −2, 4 −9, −6, −1 Lymphadenopathy, fever, MOF PD Died (7), MOF 

RI indicates reduction in immunosuppression; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; SAA, severe aplastic anemia; T-NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma of T-cell type; t-AML, treatment-related AML; MMR, HLA-haploidentical mismatched related donor; MU, matched unrelated donor; CR, complete remission; NR, no response assessable; PD, progressive disease; and MOF, multiorgan failure.


Times are indicated in days relative to adoptive transfer of EBV-specific T cells (day 0).

For patients 4 and 5, antiviral treatment was initiated on days −19 and −22, respectively, after diagnosis of lytic EBV infection.

Additional symptoms of patient 4 at the time of T-cell transfer included pneumonitis, hepatitis, pericarditis, hemorrhagic cystitis, and consecutive renal, respiratory, liver, and cardiac failures. Additional symptoms of patient 5 included pneumonitis with pleural effusion, hepatitis, and consecutive liver, respiratory, and hemodynamic failures. Additional symptoms of patient 6 were pneumonitis with pleural effusion, hepatitis, and consecutive respiratory, liver, renal, and hemodynamic failures. Leukemic spread of lymphoma cells was observed in patients 4 and 5 at the time of T-cell transfer.

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