Table 5

Multivariate analysis of factors predicting the occurrence of DS

CovariateUnfavorable categoryOverall DS
Moderate DS
Severe DS
OR (95% CI)POR (95% CI)POR (95% CI)P
WBC count  > 5 × 109/L     1.8 (1.1-2.7) .021 
WBC count > 10 × 109/L 1.85 (1.3-2.7) .012 1.7 (1.04-2.7) .039   
Creatinine > 1.4 mg/dL     5.8 (1.9-16.9) .004 
Protocol LPA96     1.7 (1.04-2.7) .044 
CovariateUnfavorable categoryOverall DS
Moderate DS
Severe DS
OR (95% CI)POR (95% CI)POR (95% CI)P
WBC count  > 5 × 109/L     1.8 (1.1-2.7) .021 
WBC count > 10 × 109/L 1.85 (1.3-2.7) .012 1.7 (1.04-2.7) .039   
Creatinine > 1.4 mg/dL     5.8 (1.9-16.9) .004 
Protocol LPA96     1.7 (1.04-2.7) .044 

OR indicates odds ratio

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